Saturday, September 03, 2011

Takbir Could Be Heard

By SMN Staff Reporter, *Eid Celebrated in Ahlu Sunna Administrated Central Areas* - Shabelle Media Network / All Africa - Mogadishu, Somalia; Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dhusamareb: Under the order of Somalia's moderate Sufi group, people in parts of central Somalia on Wednesday celebrated the festival of Eid Al Fitr.

The carnival Ahlu Sunna marking the end of fasting holly month of Ramadan comes a day after Muslims in many regions of Somalia and around the Muslim celebrated yesterday.

In the districts of Dhusamareb, Abudwak and other areas in Galgudud region under the control of moderate Sufi group, Takbir (Allah Is The Greatest, Allah Is The Greatest, Allah Is The Greatest) to mark the first of Eid Al Fitr could be heard echoing from the mosques there.

With glee and dressed in new pretty colthes, people mainly children and women could be seen the streets in parts of central Somalia.

After performing the Eid prayers, the newly elected Ahlu Sunna chairperson, Pro. Hirsi Mohamed Hilowle congratulated all Somalis and those in central Somalia in particular in celebrating the carnival of Eid Al Fitr.

Picture: Muslims in Mombasa say prayers for Eid (file photo). Photo: Gideon Maundu/Nation.

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