Thursday, November 17, 2011


By Staff Writer, *The story of Hallaj* - Dawn.Com - Karachi, Pakistan; Thursday, November 10, 2011

‘An-al-Haq’ (I am the truth) – this statement would be the death of Mansur Al-Hallaj.

A Sufi poet, teacher and philosopher, Hallaj was executed on the orders of an Abbasside caliph for uttering these words, taken to mean Hallaj as claiming himself to be God. After more than a decade of imprisonment, Hallaj was eventually executed publically in Baghdad in the year 922 [309 AH].

He is seen by many as a revolutionary writer and teacher of his time, when practices of mysticism were not meant to be shared publically. Yet he remains a controversial figure, revered by Rumi, hated by many, he was labeled an intoxicated Sufi and is still read today.

Soon, Modern Times Stage Company in Toronto will be presenting the last night Hallaj spends in prison.

The play is written by Peter Farbridge and Soheil Parsa and directed by the latter. “He is given a choice to recant his beliefs or be executed. We try to work out his dilemma,” explains Farbridge.

The play will explore Hallaj’s quest. “Was he inspired by a spiritual notion or was he more of a mad man?” asks Farbridge, a question he says is never answered in the play.

[Click on the title to the original article with the Video by Modern Times Stage Company (ed.)]

From the Modern Times Stage Company Website:

A modern re-telling of a true story from 9th century Baghdad. Hallaj was a legendary Sufi poet, teacher and philosopher whose teachings won the adoration of the public and rage of the political system.

Orthodox leaders seize their opportunity when one reckless act becomes Hallaj's indictable offense, and he is given one last choice: to recant and save his life or stand by his convictions and dance to his death.

As he spends a final night in prison awaiting execution, Hallaj's memories paint a portrait of a man conflicted by love for his family and a consuming search for spiritual truth.

Picture: Hallaj, the Playbill. Photo: Modern Times Stage Company, Toronto, Canada.

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