Thursday, December 28, 2006

4th Maghrebian colloquium on fiq’h and sufism’ manuscripts

[From the French language press]
Algérie: 4e colloque maghrébin sur les manuscrits du fiq'h et du soufisme à Oran

La Tribune - Algérie; 19 Décembre 2006; Hassan Gherab

Manuscripts about Sufism and Fiq’h were the topic of the 4th Maghrebian colloquium organised by the Manuscripts Laboratory of Muslim Civilisation of North Africa --a Dept. of the Human Sciences of Oran University.

The conference was held on December 16-17 2006 in Oran, Algeria, gathering Researchers from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.

The colloquium examined the necessity of collecting and preserving the manuscripts about sufism and fiq’h -thousands and thousands of which are still held by private citizens – through a Maghrebian common data bank and Maghrebian scientific cooperation.

Algeria is pioneer in this field, with its Adrar Centre for manuscripts inventory which relies on the services of two Shaykhs for facilitating contacts among the private citizens and the scientists.
The 5th colloquium –it has been decided- will focus on researches in the field of literature and history.

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