Friday, December 29, 2006

Whirling to embrace the whole Mankind

[From the German language press]
Drehend die ganze Menschheit umarmen

Kölnische-Rundschau; 26 Dezember 2006; Kathrin Höhne

Description of a weekly meeting at the main German Naqshbandi-Haqqani Center in Kall-Sötenich, Eifel --a Center for Dhikr, Study and Prayers.

With Inn, Mosque, Restaurant and Music Room, open to muslims as well as non muslims.

With words of firm condemnation of any form of extremism; with open-mindedness about “wearing” one’s faith; Shaykh Hassan Peter Dyck stating that adherence to the Pillars develops slowly in the students, and comes from inside.

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