Saturday, March 31, 2007

10th Mawlid Festival: songs for peace

[From the French language press]:
Le dimanche 1er avril 2007 de 14h à 19h à Villejuif (Paris)

Le Festival du Mawlid célèbre la naissance du Prophète de l’Islam de manière tout à fait originale. Il a pour objectif, à travers sa dimension artistique, d’apporter sa contribution à la richesse du patrimoine culturel français et européen.

PlaNet DZ, Algeria - samedi le 31 mars 2007

Sunday, April 1st, from 2 pm til 7 pm at Villejuif (Paris)

The Mawlid Festival celebrates the birth of the Prophet of Islam in a completely original way. It aims at, through its artistic dimension, to contribute its share to the richness of the French and European cultural inheritance.

This evening is the occasion to discover a facet of Islam if not ignored, at least unknown, that of the festival. Far from all caricatural views.

Organized for the tenth consecutive year, this Festival is presented in the form of an invitation to a journey through the sufi and traditional music of the Muslim world.

A l’Oriental Feeling75, Avenue de Paris, Villejuifmétro Villejuif-Léo LagrangeTarif : 20 € ( fnac, virgin et réseau habituel)infos au 06 16 93 04 92
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