Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sufi culture' Festival: three conferences and many Americans in Fez

[From the French language press]:
Organisé sous le thème «Soufisme et développement humain» par «la société parchemins concepts», le nouveau festival -Festival de Fès de la culture soufie première édition- verra la participation d’un parterre d’artistes et conférenciers marocains et étrangers.

L'Economiste - Casablanca, Maroc - Vendredi 23 février 2007 -par Youness Saad Alami

Organized under the topic “Sufism and human development” by “the company parchments concepts”, the new festival -the 1st Fez Festival of Sufi culture- will see the participation of a wide range of artists and Moroccan and foreign lecturers.

The team of Kathrine Marshall, adviser of the president of the World Bank, which withdrew from the Fez Festival of Sacred music, supports the organizer, Faouzi Skali. In fact, the Americans will be present there in force.

Three conferences are programmed. Among the topics : “Sufism and human development”, “Sufism and diversity of cultures”, “Sufisms and human rights” and “Sufism and history of Morocco”.

The Festival will be held in the Moroccan city of Fez from April the 27th to May the 2nd.

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