Thursday, March 22, 2007

Poetry, wisdom and women of peace

[From the Italian language press]:

«“Anam Cara”: poesia, saggezza e donne di pace» convegno internazionale organizzato nella città di Udine dall'associazione "All" (associazione laureate in lingue) su Donne di pace, sciamani, migrazioni, «r-evoluzioni».

Carta, Italia - 12 marzo 2007 - by Daniele Barbieri

«“Anam Cara”: poetry, wisdom and women of peace» is an international conference organized in the city of Udine from the association “All” (association graduated in languages - pun intended) on Women of peace, shamans, migrations, “r-evolutions”.

“Anam Cara” in gaelic language means “spirit friend” and by extension indicates a guide that can be a shaman or an artist, often a woman.

Between those who fight in the storm were: Maria Fedulova (Russian Federation of the mothers of the soldiers), Zalina Tauchelova of the mothers of Beslan, Liz Goldstein of the “ American Mothers against the juvenile militarization”, twenty-years old Rae Abilhad of [women for peace] but also Maria Pia Cedolini, educator engaged in a project against the trade of human beings, Fausta Gerin of West [Women East Smuggling Trafficking], Chiara Romanello of Amnesty International.

From another segment of reality, far from the spotlights but also often storm-tossed, two shamans : Granmother Sara, leader of the native-americans Mohawak, and Habiba Sufi, a tabib [healer] from Uzbekistan.

Nearly impossible not to remain bewitched discovering myths of the creation told by Granmother Sara from the "Turtle clan" or learning more about the historical and religious patchwork which lies behind Samarkand and Uzbekistan, the land where from Habiba's sufism comes.

What they all have in common is a “R-evolution”… to use an expression stolen from a verse of the South African poet Natalia Molebatsi.

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