Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sufi Meditation of As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi

From the Argentinian Press
La meditación Sufi de As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi
El Ciudadano: El diario de mayor tirada en Bariloche
As-Sayeed Nurjan Mirahmadi will be appearing tonight. The distinguished Sufi instructor is coming here for the first time. Announced as “a unique experience in South America” and with the motto “releasing your soul” the event is supported by the municipal direction for local culture. Recognized world-wide as one of the best instructors of Sufi meditation and a founding trustee of the internationally recognised Islamic Supreme Council of America, he will be offering an open talk on the management of spiritual energy and the dance of whirling dervishes. The instructor of the Sufi Order announces that understanding the submission of the mind, body and soul is about learning the technique of meditation on the prophetic light; understanding the reality of the lataif (chakras), the angelic sanctions and the sacred energy in the five levels of the heart. Announced as a unique experience in South America, followers and lovers of alternative energies will have the possibility of establishing a first approach with the meditation instructor of the Sufi center this evening. The center organizes workshops throughout the year in different parts of America, Europe and Asia. As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi, indicates that “we are surrounded by energy” and his teaching is about “learning how to interact with it and how to use it in daily meditation practice. Energy is strongly related to light, and is a medium by which spiritual blessings are transmitted and that can directly affect the states of the heart”.
Amongst his planned activities while here, Mirahmadi will be available in the central library to sign editions of his books.

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