Thursday, September 13, 2007

First Festival of Illustrations of Persian Literary Masterpieces

MNA - Mehr News - Tehran, Iran
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The first festival of illustrations of Persian literary masterpieces focusing on the works of Rumi will be held at the Niavaran Cultural Center from November 21 to 30.

The gala will be showcasing illustrations on the theme of Persian literary masterpieces, the secretary of the gala, Kianush Qaribpur announced during the press conference at the Iranian Artists’ Forum on September 12.

The event will comprise a children’s section which will focus on illustrations of stories from Rumi’s Masnavi and there will also be a section featuring artworks on the theme of the Divan of Shams.

The festival is being sponsored by the Children’s Book Council of Iran, the Iranian Women’s Artists’ Forum (IWAF) and the Iranian Association of Children’s Book Illustrators.

The festival’s winning artworks will be showcased at the Iranian Artists’ Forum from December 8 to 13, deputy of the gala Maziyar Rezakhani announced during a press conference.

“Turan Mirhadi, Karim Nasr, Behruz Gharibpur, Atieh Markazi and Navid Barzargan are among the members of the gala’s jury. Winners will be awarded at the closing ceremony which will be held on November 27 at the Niavaran Cultural Center,” Rezakhani added.

[Visit the Iranian Association of Children’s Book Illustrators].

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