Thursday, September 13, 2007

“Rihab at-Tassawouf”

[From the French language press]:

La Radio Nationale a préparé, pour le mois sacré du Ramadan, un programme d'émissions en harmonie avec l'atmosphère de recueillement et de spiritualité qui règne en cette période.

Le Matin, Maroc - mercredi 12 septembre 2007

The National Radio of Morocco prepared, for the holy month of Ramadan, a programme of broadcasts in harmony with the atmosphere of meditation and spirituality which reigns in this period.

On the national and international broadcasting stations, in Arab language, the religious bouquet proposes broadcasts entitled “Al Madih Nabaoui” (Praises to the Prophet -pbuh), “Qabas min Al-Qor' year” (Gleam of the Qur'an), “Raka' iz Al-Islam” (Bases of Islam) and “Rihab at-Tassawouf” (Space of Sufism).

[Visit the National Portal of Morocco (in French)].

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