Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pottery from Poetry

MN report, "Gail Kendall's 'Purpose of Labor' opens Aug. 26 at Sheldon Museum of Art" - Media Newswire - Lincoln, NE, USA
Monday, August 11, 2008

Gail Kendall, Hixson-Lied professor of art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will present new ceramic artworks in "The Purpose of Labor," opening Aug. 26 at UNL's Sheldon Museum of Art.

Works in the exhibition respond to Robert Bly's translation of "The Kabir Book," ecstatic poems by the Islamic Sufi poet Kabir.

"I have been drawn to the imagery in many of these poems since I learned about them in the mid-1980s and felt this exhibition would provide me with a wonderful opportunity to create a group of works around a theme," Kendall said.

"This theme is allowing me to expand on recent work as well as consider a series of new vessels."

Additional information is also available on the Sheldon Web site,

1 comment:

Steven Maimes said...

Beautiful circle graphic.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pottery from Poetry
MN report, "Gail Kendall's 'Purpose of Labor' opens Aug. 26 at Sheldon Museum of Art" - Media Newswire - Lincoln, NE, USA
Monday, August 11, 2008

Gail Kendall, Hixson-Lied professor of art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will present new ceramic artworks in "The Purpose of Labor," opening Aug. 26 at UNL's Sheldon Museum of Art.

Works in the exhibition respond to Robert Bly's translation of "The Kabir Book," ecstatic poems by the Islamic Sufi poet Kabir.

"I have been drawn to the imagery in many of these poems since I learned about them in the mid-1980s and felt this exhibition would provide me with a wonderful opportunity to create a group of works around a theme," Kendall said.

"This theme is allowing me to expand on recent work as well as consider a series of new vessels."

Additional information is also available on the Sheldon Web site,

1 comment:

Steven Maimes said...

Beautiful circle graphic.