Wednesday, April 15 2009
Muzaffarabad: Mr Hameed Shaheen has said that sufi-ism is a way of life. A sufi first of all applies ethically corrective discipline on his own self; becomes a model for others; environment around him starts taking inspiration from; and thus a two-way trust builds between a sufi and the human environment around him.
Mr Shaheen, Resident Editor, Daily Pakistan Observer, was delivering a off-hand remarks on Sufi-ism and Social Reform to a group of youth who called on him Wednesday here. The core code of sufi-ism, he explained to the youth, is spread of love, because loves transmits how to respect others. It is the love among humans which brings strangers together, which draws nearer the distant thoughts, cultures and civilization, he added.
About human respect he explained that the Creator Himself says that He has created descendants of Adam (PBUH) very fortunate, blessed (La Kud Karamna Bani Adama (We have created descendants of Adam (PBUH) as honored ones); and again the Creator says La Kud Khalaqnal Insaana Fi Ahsan-e-Taqweem (We have created human being in perfect form); yet again the Almighty says that in human beings He has breathed His Light (Noor) from Him meaning thereby that in each and every human being there burns an Eternal Light. That is the reason that human beings would be held responsible in the Hereafter for their deeds, doings in the temporal world.
Sufi-ism is a way of life; that is a simple, truthful and altruistic way of life; the greatest good is to do goodness to others in the clear belief that those others are also creation of the Almighty as any good-doer himself or herself is.
Replying a question as to how one can adopt a sufi way of life, Mr Shaheen whose own family background is sufistic explained that a simple step is needed to move forward along this path - 'resolve not to think in bias, prejudice, hatred, malice, etc. against any other'. If one can practise this formula, one can reach a stage in life that he (practitioner) becomes automatically benign-influence-vendor among the human crowds; people get around him and start participating in his routines of life; thus a pattern evolves.
Today, he said, human societies need diversion towards this line of life; it is dynamic, vibrant and full of zeal to do good to others; if maximum number of people adopt this mode of practice, then with the passage of time the goodness maximizes.
Streaks of sufi-ism, he said, is found in every religion.
He told the youth to practise this spiritual formula: Allah with inhaling breath and Hoo with exhaling breath; a few hours continuous practice will regulate the breathing process into Allah Hoo; this mode of prayer (ibadat) does not interfere with any practical work one is needed to do to push ahead day-to-day life.
[Picture from http://www.sufism.org/society/asma/allah.html]
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