Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sufis Support Al-Bashir's Nomination to the Presidency of the Republic

Sufi Sects Support Al-Bashir Nomination to Presidency of the Republic

Published on the news page of the Sudan's Ministry of Finance and Economy, March 9, 2010.

The Sufi Sects, sheikhs and scholars have expressed their full support to the nomination of Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir to the Presidency of the Republic for the considerable concern of the Salvation Revolution to the sufi sects.

The representatives of the sufi sects who met Al-Bashir at the Golden Hall of Aboud Parks, Khartoum North, Saturday affirmed their solid stance to support his election.

Al-Bashir affirmed his concern over the sufi sects besides spreading of the Islamic Dawa (call) in Sudan, lauding the role being played by the religious men to maintain unity. Al-Bashir also hailed the late former president, Jaffar Nemeri, with regard to the implementation of the Islamic Sharia in Sudan.

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