Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unconditional Embrace

وفا كنيم و ملامت كشيم و خوش باشيم

كه در طريقت ما كافريست رنجيدن

We'll be faithful, endure the blame, and rejoice

Because on our path, to despair is sacrilege


Gelse celalinden cefa yahut cemalinden vefa

İkise de cana safa lutfun da hoş kahrin da hoş

Whether torment comes from His Grandeur
or fidelity comes from His Beauty

Both of them are pure joy to the soul
Be happy with Benevolence, be happy with Severity

Yunus Emre

1 comment:

  1. Salaam,
    Great post, but just a quick suggestion on Hafez poem's English translation:

    در طريقت ما كافريست رنجيدن
    on our path,to despair is ingratitude?

    Kaaferi-كافري in Persian means: blasphemous or infidelity.

    Thank you very much for sharing it though,
