L’Association internationale soufie Alâwiyya (Aisa) et son président fondateur, cheikh Khaled Bentounès qui travaillent sans relâche au rapprochement des cultures, organisent les 09 et 10 octobre prochain via son association de la section suisse, au Palexpo Genève, un congrès avec pour thème «Genève 2010, un Islam spirituel libre et responsable».
Par O. Hind, *Dialogue interreligieux et interculturel* - L'Expression - Alger, Algérie
Vendredi 9 Septembre 2010
The International Sufi Association Alâwiyya (Aisa) and its founding president, Shaykh Khaled Bentounès -who tirelessly works in bringing cultures together- are organizing a conference in Geneva, Palexpo, October 9 and 10. Theme of the conference is: "Geneva 2010, For a spiritual free and responsible Islam". The conference is organized through the Swiss section of the Alâwiyya Association.
The congress will be a laboratory of new ideas and proposes speakers of choice: among them politicians, philosophers, builders of the future, spiritual masters, engaged citizens, poets and musicians.
The conference revolves around several themes, among them: "Ecology: a living earth for future generations"; "Nature, source of spirituality"; "Globalization, comparisons between cultures and religions"; "Women in the heart of globalization"; "The Media as factors of hope"; "Spirituality in the service of peace"; "The Language of the birds: the future is built today"; "Introducing children to spirituality".
There will be many Workshops, a Round Table and a Sufi Night.
[Visit the Alâwiyya Association website, its Swiss Section (in French) and the Palexpo Geneva for all details about the Conference.]
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