Wednesday, August 03, 2011


By SMN Reporter, *Somalia: Top Al Shabaab Officials Killed in Central Attack* - Shabelle Media Network/All Africa - Mogadishu, Somalia; Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dhusamareb: Top Al Shabaab officials have been killed and other injured in central Somalia surprise attack, the moderate Sufi group of Ahlu Sunna Waljama ASWJ said on Wednesday.

Abdurrahman said their fighters conducted operations early Wednesday morning in the villages of Warholo and El-god, spelling out that they slain second commander of Al shabaab in Galgudud region, head of the information in the area and other top leaders.

He added that all killed in the ambush assault were nine in number. The chairman of Al Shabaab in that region was among those maimed in the attack.

Asked about if there are casualties on their side, the spokesman of Ahlu Sunna said no fighter of them was wounded.

However, some initial reports suggested that the Al Shabaab chairman of Galgudud died hours later from his wounds.

The Al Shabaab group has not released any comments about Ahlu Sunna's claims so far.

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