Wednesday, August 03, 2011


By SMN Reporter, *Ahlu Sunna - We Are Sorry for the Allegedly Graft in Govt* - Shabelle Media Network/All Africa - Mogadishu, Somalia; Monday, July 25, 2011

Dhusamareb: The moderate Sufi group of Ahlu Sunna Waljama ASWJ on Monday said it is very sorry the allegedly graft and corruption with top Somali government leaders.

Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Abdurrahman, the spokesman of Ahlu Sunna Waljama made the statement while speaking to Shabelle Radio.

Abdurrahman mentioned it is deplorable the government officials to commit unacceptable graft related conducts by stealing country's money which was intended to reconstruct the ravaged horn of African nation.

Asked about the emerging reports suggesting Ahlu Sunna's internal disagreements intensifying, the spokesman denied and described the reports as groundless and propaganda.

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