Cet exemple d’Islam propre à l’Afrique Subsaharienne, cette Islam « soufi » favorise l’intériorisation des préceptes de la religion et des enseignements du Coran des écoles coraniques.
Sud Quotidien - Dakar, Sénégal - vendredi 1er février 2008 - par Ibrahima Diallo
This example of Islam unique to the sub-Saharan Africa, "Sufi Islam" promotes the internalization of the precepts of the religion and the teachings of the Qur'an of the Qur'anic schools.
A symposium on "Islam in society in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and responses", and an international conference on "Islam, peace and human rights in Africa": through this series of events begins the 2008 program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Senegal.
The international symposium, organized in collaboration with the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar is scheduled for February 4 and 5, and the international conference on Wednesday, the 6th.
A televised debate on Islam in sub-Saharan Africa will also be part of the symposium.
The results of those events, that fall in the wake of preparations for the summit of the Organization for Islamic Conference (OIC), will be a contribution to this meeting.
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