Thursday, December 3, 2009
New York: Odyssey Networks, the nation's largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups promoting the causes of tolerance, peace, and social justice through media production, is providing video coverage of the world's interfaith community in action at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP-15).
Odyssey's "Faith at the Summit" is believed to be the only video news coverage focusing solely on the activities of religious leaders and organizations at the crucial climate conference.
From December 8 through December 15, Odyssey will deliver daily video reports from Copenhagen, with a special wrap-up report on December 19 from London. The videos will be available for viewing at http://www.odysseynetworks.org/.
Odyssey is sharing highlights of the daily video reports with over 100 major climate change organizations and religious institutions. Lead producer/presenter of "Faith at the Summit" is the award-winning documentarian Mark Dowd, formerly of the BBC and Channel 4 and the UK's "Religious Broadcaster of the Year" (2006). He is currently campaign strategist for Operation Noah.
Notables from virtually all the world's faiths will be in Copenhagen to advocate for decisive action on climate change. The list of attendees who will be interviewed by Odyssey includes Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Richard Cizik (New Evangelicals), Michael Kagan (Jewish Climate Change Initiative), Roman Catholic Sister Joan Chittister (Benetvision), Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell (Chautauqua Institution), Andrew Harvey (Sacred Activism), Venerable Bhikku Bodhi (Buddhist Global Relief), Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen and Sraddalhu Ranade .
Odyssey will also be producing video diaries by key leaders and youth delegates from various faiths and nations, and covering highlights of the major faith-related gatherings. Additional videos and other resources on the intersection of faith and climate change are now available on the Odyssey website, along with a special preview of "Faith at the Summit."
"This year no event will unite the planet like the climate change summit in Copenhagen," said Nick Stuart, President and CEO of Odyssey Networks, "and no issue is capable of uniting the world's religions like climate change. The world's media will be focused on Copenhagen and religious leaders from around the world will be there to share the insights their faiths bring to the most important challenge of our age -- stewardship of God's creation. One issue, one place, one time -- there could be no more crucial event for Odyssey Network's cameras to show how religions can work together to change the world."
About Odyssey Networks: Odyssey Networks is the nation’s largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups dedicated to producing and distributing media that promotes causes such as peace, tolerance and social justice. Established in 1987, Odyssey Networks is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc.
For more information visit http://www.odysseynetworks.org/
[About Rehman Muhaiyaddeen: Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen is a disciple of Sufi Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, a Sufi mystic from the island of Sri Lanka. Around 1940 Sufi Bawa Muhaiyaddeen established an ashram on a farm in Sri Lanka, teaching a traditional Qadriyyah Sufi doctrine. Now the branches of his school of thought are found in many countries. Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen can be reached at: srmuhaiyaddeen@gmail.com
Read an article of him about *How To Achieve The Great Objective Of Global Peace?* at Countercurrents.org]
New York: Odyssey Networks, the nation's largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups promoting the causes of tolerance, peace, and social justice through media production, is providing video coverage of the world's interfaith community in action at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP-15).
Odyssey's "Faith at the Summit" is believed to be the only video news coverage focusing solely on the activities of religious leaders and organizations at the crucial climate conference.
From December 8 through December 15, Odyssey will deliver daily video reports from Copenhagen, with a special wrap-up report on December 19 from London. The videos will be available for viewing at http://www.odysseynetworks.org/.
Odyssey is sharing highlights of the daily video reports with over 100 major climate change organizations and religious institutions. Lead producer/presenter of "Faith at the Summit" is the award-winning documentarian Mark Dowd, formerly of the BBC and Channel 4 and the UK's "Religious Broadcaster of the Year" (2006). He is currently campaign strategist for Operation Noah.
Notables from virtually all the world's faiths will be in Copenhagen to advocate for decisive action on climate change. The list of attendees who will be interviewed by Odyssey includes Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Richard Cizik (New Evangelicals), Michael Kagan (Jewish Climate Change Initiative), Roman Catholic Sister Joan Chittister (Benetvision), Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell (Chautauqua Institution), Andrew Harvey (Sacred Activism), Venerable Bhikku Bodhi (Buddhist Global Relief), Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen and Sraddalhu Ranade .
Odyssey will also be producing video diaries by key leaders and youth delegates from various faiths and nations, and covering highlights of the major faith-related gatherings. Additional videos and other resources on the intersection of faith and climate change are now available on the Odyssey website, along with a special preview of "Faith at the Summit."
"This year no event will unite the planet like the climate change summit in Copenhagen," said Nick Stuart, President and CEO of Odyssey Networks, "and no issue is capable of uniting the world's religions like climate change. The world's media will be focused on Copenhagen and religious leaders from around the world will be there to share the insights their faiths bring to the most important challenge of our age -- stewardship of God's creation. One issue, one place, one time -- there could be no more crucial event for Odyssey Network's cameras to show how religions can work together to change the world."
About Odyssey Networks: Odyssey Networks is the nation’s largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups dedicated to producing and distributing media that promotes causes such as peace, tolerance and social justice. Established in 1987, Odyssey Networks is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc.
For more information visit http://www.odysseynetworks.org/
[About Rehman Muhaiyaddeen: Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen is a disciple of Sufi Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, a Sufi mystic from the island of Sri Lanka. Around 1940 Sufi Bawa Muhaiyaddeen established an ashram on a farm in Sri Lanka, teaching a traditional Qadriyyah Sufi doctrine. Now the branches of his school of thought are found in many countries. Sufi Rehman Muhaiyaddeen can be reached at: srmuhaiyaddeen@gmail.com
Read an article of him about *How To Achieve The Great Objective Of Global Peace?* at Countercurrents.org]
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