Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Contrary To God's Law

By Miroslav Volf, *Recent Events in Egypt* - Yale Center for Faith and Culture - Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, ; Friday, January 14, 2011
Dear Friends:

Violence against Christians in the Middle East is much in the news these days. Reports are coming from Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran about Christians being discriminated against, persecuted severely, and killed.

A few days ago, a bomb exploded outside of a Coptic Christian Church in Alexandria, Egypt, killing at least 21 Coptic Christians and wounding 96. On Tuesday an off-duty Egyptian policeman opened fire on train travelers, killing one Coptic Christian and injuring five others.

In response to the events in Egypt, the C-1 World Dialogue, a group on whose executive board I serve, has issued a very constructive statement condemning any act of terrorism as an improper understanding of religion. I invite you to read this document, along with a statement by the Grand Mufti of Egypt (the C-1 Co-Chair).

Miroslav Volf

THE CO-CHAIRS of THE C-1 WORLD DIALOGUE speak out on The Bombing of the Coptic Church in Alexandria Egypt

His Eminence Dr. Ali Gomaa the Grand Mufti of Egypt (Co-chair) & His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick Archbishop Emeritus (Acting Co-chair) together with His Eminence Dr Mustafa Ceric,
Grand Mufti of Bosnia (Vice Co-Chair):

On behalf of the members and Executive of the C-1 World Dialogue we condemn the horrifying attack in Alexandria outside a Coptic Church and a
nearby Mosque killing so many Christians as well as Muslims.

Christians and Muslims are as one in knowing that such an act is contrary
to the law of God and can have no possible justification.

Our prayers and
thoughts go out to all who have been affected and especially to the families of all those killed or wounded. We pray too for those so blinded by fear and hatred as to be involved in committing such crimes and call them
to repent.

This act of terrorism was an affront to all Egyptians. It must not be used to sow discord in a country where Christians and Muslims have lived together in peace for centuries. It is vital for the peace of the region and wider world that the place of religious minorities and their full participation in society
should continue to be fully protected and assured.

We call upon all Christians, Muslims and people of good will to reach out in their local communities, churches and mosques and to come together in practical solidarity against violence and all those who use it to promote
strife and discord.

We are all called as human beings to follow the two great commandments of which the Common Word letter reminds us, namely to love God and our
neighbour and we urge everyone to come together in fulfilment of them.

For further information please contact the Director General of the C1: Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff at +44 7968 030 138 or +44 207 101 9576


His Eminence Dr. Ali Gomaa The Grand Mufti of Egypt CO-CHAIR of THE C-1 WORLD DIALOGUE
writes on The Bombing of the Coptic Church in Alexandria:

Terrorism cannot be the outcome of any proper understanding of religion:

Responding to Alexandria church bombing Dr Ali Gomaa, The Grand Mufti of Egypt

There is no religion worthy of the name that does not regard as one of its highest values

the sanctity of human life. Islam is no exception to this rule. Indeed, God has made this

unequivocal in the Quran by emphasizing the gravity of the universal prohibition against

murder, saying of the one who takes even one life that “it is as if he has killed all mankind.”

Islam views murder as both a crime punishable by law in this world and as major sin

punishable in the Afterlife as well. Prophet Mohammad said, "The first cases to be decided

among the people on the Day of Judgment will be those of blood-shed".

The Islam that we were taught in our youth is a religion that calls for peace and mercy.

The first prophetic saying that is taught to a student of Islam is "Those who show mercy

are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Show mercy to those who are on earth and the One

in the heavens will show mercy to you".

What we have learnt about Islam has been taken
from the clear, pristine, and scholarly understanding of the Quran, "O people we have created you from a single male and female and divided you into nations and tribes so that
you may know one another".

Terrorism, therefore, cannot be the outcome of any proper understanding of religion. It is

rather a manifestation of the immorality of people with cruel hearts, arrogant souls, and

warped logic. It is thus with great sadness and outrage that we witness the emergence of

this disease in our nation with the recent bombing outside a church in Alexandria that killed

tens of Egyptian citizens. There is no doubt that such barbarism needs to be denounced in

the strongest of terms, and opposed at every turn.

Just as importantly, we must counter the deviant beliefs that underpin such gross

transgressions. Despite their confused claims, terrorists are miscreants who have no

legitimate connection to the pure Islamic way, whose history and orthodox doctrine are

testaments to the Islamic commitment to tolerance, compassion and peace.

The Quran is
clear that “God has honoured the children of Adam.” Islam therefore makes no distinction among races, ethnicities, or religions in its belief that all people are deserving of basic

human dignity.

Furthermore, Islam has laid down justice, peace and cooperation as the
basic principles of interaction between religious communities, advising Muslims that the proper conduct towards those who do not show aggression towards us is to act with
goodness and justice. Indeed, this is the way of the true Muslim, for “God loves the just.”

As in all matters, the Prophetic example is the best of all models. The Prophet considered

non-Muslims and Muslims as participating in a social contract which was inviolable. The

promise of a Muslim is sacrosanct, for as he said, “Whoever unjustly persecutes one with

whom he has an agreement, or short-changes his rights, or burdens him beyond his

capacity, or takes something from him without his blessing, I myself will be an argument

against him on the Day of Judgement.” What sort of Muslim could it be that not only

deprives himself of the intercession of the Prophet of God in front of his Lord, but indeed

puts himself at odds with him?

This act of terrorism was an affront to all Egyptians. It must not be used to sow discord in a

country where Christians and Muslims have lived together in peace for centuries. It is vital

for the peace of the region and wider world that the place of all religious communities and

their full participation in society should continue to be fully protected and assured. We

therefore welcome the firm resolve and assurances of all those in authority to make sure

this will continue to happen.

Together with the Bishop of London, my Co-Chair at the C1 Foundation, we always made

clear that everybody around the world needs to understand that any act of violence, crime

or terror is an action against God, Faith and Religion. Whoever declares crime in the name

of God or any Religion is false and nothing else than a criminal who needs to face the

power of the legal system.

Let me be clear by reiterating that Islam is utterly against extremism and terrorism but unless we understand the factors that provide a rationalization for terrorism and extremism

we will never be able to eradicate this scourge. This must be understood in order to build a

better future that can bring an end to this grave situation that is destroying the world.

All Egyptians stand united against such behaviour. Sectarian conflict is foreign to Egypt,

and those who seek to use this as a pretext to stoke sectarian tensions need to be

opposed in every way possible. At such a sensitive moment, we Egyptians must not

participate in the spreading of rumours of such tensions. Rather, we must remain united.

We must continue to treat each other with the goodness and respect that has long

characterized Egyptian society.

My heart, my thoughts, and my prayers go out to the families who lost their loved ones.

We offer our deepest and sincerest condolences to the families of the victims and pray for a speedy recovery of the wounded.

For further information please contact Dr Ibrahim Negm Special Assistant to the Grand Mufti +20 (0) 106 186 439

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Contrary To God's Law
By Miroslav Volf, *Recent Events in Egypt* - Yale Center for Faith and Culture - Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, ; Friday, January 14, 2011
Dear Friends:

Violence against Christians in the Middle East is much in the news these days. Reports are coming from Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran about Christians being discriminated against, persecuted severely, and killed.

A few days ago, a bomb exploded outside of a Coptic Christian Church in Alexandria, Egypt, killing at least 21 Coptic Christians and wounding 96. On Tuesday an off-duty Egyptian policeman opened fire on train travelers, killing one Coptic Christian and injuring five others.

In response to the events in Egypt, the C-1 World Dialogue, a group on whose executive board I serve, has issued a very constructive statement condemning any act of terrorism as an improper understanding of religion. I invite you to read this document, along with a statement by the Grand Mufti of Egypt (the C-1 Co-Chair).

Miroslav Volf

THE CO-CHAIRS of THE C-1 WORLD DIALOGUE speak out on The Bombing of the Coptic Church in Alexandria Egypt

His Eminence Dr. Ali Gomaa the Grand Mufti of Egypt (Co-chair) & His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick Archbishop Emeritus (Acting Co-chair) together with His Eminence Dr Mustafa Ceric,
Grand Mufti of Bosnia (Vice Co-Chair):

On behalf of the members and Executive of the C-1 World Dialogue we condemn the horrifying attack in Alexandria outside a Coptic Church and a
nearby Mosque killing so many Christians as well as Muslims.

Christians and Muslims are as one in knowing that such an act is contrary
to the law of God and can have no possible justification.

Our prayers and
thoughts go out to all who have been affected and especially to the families of all those killed or wounded. We pray too for those so blinded by fear and hatred as to be involved in committing such crimes and call them
to repent.

This act of terrorism was an affront to all Egyptians. It must not be used to sow discord in a country where Christians and Muslims have lived together in peace for centuries. It is vital for the peace of the region and wider world that the place of religious minorities and their full participation in society
should continue to be fully protected and assured.

We call upon all Christians, Muslims and people of good will to reach out in their local communities, churches and mosques and to come together in practical solidarity against violence and all those who use it to promote
strife and discord.

We are all called as human beings to follow the two great commandments of which the Common Word letter reminds us, namely to love God and our
neighbour and we urge everyone to come together in fulfilment of them.

For further information please contact the Director General of the C1: Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff at +44 7968 030 138 or +44 207 101 9576


His Eminence Dr. Ali Gomaa The Grand Mufti of Egypt CO-CHAIR of THE C-1 WORLD DIALOGUE
writes on The Bombing of the Coptic Church in Alexandria:

Terrorism cannot be the outcome of any proper understanding of religion:

Responding to Alexandria church bombing Dr Ali Gomaa, The Grand Mufti of Egypt

There is no religion worthy of the name that does not regard as one of its highest values

the sanctity of human life. Islam is no exception to this rule. Indeed, God has made this

unequivocal in the Quran by emphasizing the gravity of the universal prohibition against

murder, saying of the one who takes even one life that “it is as if he has killed all mankind.”

Islam views murder as both a crime punishable by law in this world and as major sin

punishable in the Afterlife as well. Prophet Mohammad said, "The first cases to be decided

among the people on the Day of Judgment will be those of blood-shed".

The Islam that we were taught in our youth is a religion that calls for peace and mercy.

The first prophetic saying that is taught to a student of Islam is "Those who show mercy

are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Show mercy to those who are on earth and the One

in the heavens will show mercy to you".

What we have learnt about Islam has been taken
from the clear, pristine, and scholarly understanding of the Quran, "O people we have created you from a single male and female and divided you into nations and tribes so that
you may know one another".

Terrorism, therefore, cannot be the outcome of any proper understanding of religion. It is

rather a manifestation of the immorality of people with cruel hearts, arrogant souls, and

warped logic. It is thus with great sadness and outrage that we witness the emergence of

this disease in our nation with the recent bombing outside a church in Alexandria that killed

tens of Egyptian citizens. There is no doubt that such barbarism needs to be denounced in

the strongest of terms, and opposed at every turn.

Just as importantly, we must counter the deviant beliefs that underpin such gross

transgressions. Despite their confused claims, terrorists are miscreants who have no

legitimate connection to the pure Islamic way, whose history and orthodox doctrine are

testaments to the Islamic commitment to tolerance, compassion and peace.

The Quran is
clear that “God has honoured the children of Adam.” Islam therefore makes no distinction among races, ethnicities, or religions in its belief that all people are deserving of basic

human dignity.

Furthermore, Islam has laid down justice, peace and cooperation as the
basic principles of interaction between religious communities, advising Muslims that the proper conduct towards those who do not show aggression towards us is to act with
goodness and justice. Indeed, this is the way of the true Muslim, for “God loves the just.”

As in all matters, the Prophetic example is the best of all models. The Prophet considered

non-Muslims and Muslims as participating in a social contract which was inviolable. The

promise of a Muslim is sacrosanct, for as he said, “Whoever unjustly persecutes one with

whom he has an agreement, or short-changes his rights, or burdens him beyond his

capacity, or takes something from him without his blessing, I myself will be an argument

against him on the Day of Judgement.” What sort of Muslim could it be that not only

deprives himself of the intercession of the Prophet of God in front of his Lord, but indeed

puts himself at odds with him?

This act of terrorism was an affront to all Egyptians. It must not be used to sow discord in a

country where Christians and Muslims have lived together in peace for centuries. It is vital

for the peace of the region and wider world that the place of all religious communities and

their full participation in society should continue to be fully protected and assured. We

therefore welcome the firm resolve and assurances of all those in authority to make sure

this will continue to happen.

Together with the Bishop of London, my Co-Chair at the C1 Foundation, we always made

clear that everybody around the world needs to understand that any act of violence, crime

or terror is an action against God, Faith and Religion. Whoever declares crime in the name

of God or any Religion is false and nothing else than a criminal who needs to face the

power of the legal system.

Let me be clear by reiterating that Islam is utterly against extremism and terrorism but unless we understand the factors that provide a rationalization for terrorism and extremism

we will never be able to eradicate this scourge. This must be understood in order to build a

better future that can bring an end to this grave situation that is destroying the world.

All Egyptians stand united against such behaviour. Sectarian conflict is foreign to Egypt,

and those who seek to use this as a pretext to stoke sectarian tensions need to be

opposed in every way possible. At such a sensitive moment, we Egyptians must not

participate in the spreading of rumours of such tensions. Rather, we must remain united.

We must continue to treat each other with the goodness and respect that has long

characterized Egyptian society.

My heart, my thoughts, and my prayers go out to the families who lost their loved ones.

We offer our deepest and sincerest condolences to the families of the victims and pray for a speedy recovery of the wounded.

For further information please contact Dr Ibrahim Negm Special Assistant to the Grand Mufti +20 (0) 106 186 439

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