Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Place of Singing

[From the French language press]:

L’Ensemble Rabi’a, du nom de la célèbre sainte soufie du 8e siècle Râbi’a al-Adawiyya, est composé de femmes issues d’horizons culturels divers (France, Afrique de l’ouest, Maghreb, Andalousie).

Elles sont toutes disciples d’une voie soufie marocaine, très présente en France, la voie Qadiriya Boudchichiya.

El Kalam - Pau, France - dimanche 9 décembre 2007

The Rabi'a Ensemble, named after the famous Sufi saint of the 8th century Râbi'a al-Adawiyya, is composed of women from different cultural backgrounds (France, West Africa and the Maghreb, Andalusia).

They are all disciples of a Moroccan Sufi path with a strong presence in France, the tariqa Qadiriya Boudchichiya.

An interview with Marie-Hélène Dassa, on the work of this group and, more generally, about the place of singing in this spiritual path.

The Rabi'a Ensemble next concerts:
Concert and panel on Saturday, January 26, 2008 at the Institute of Islamic Culture, Paris, France.
Concert in Montpellier, France, on April 5, 2008 as part of the 1st Mediterranean Festival of the Cultures of Islam.
Concert and workshop in Fez, Morocco, on April 19, 2008 as part of the 2nd Festival of the Sufi Culture.

Visit the Rabi'a Ensemble web site (in French): http://www.ensemblerabia.net/

For more on Rabi'a (the Sufi Saint): http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismearly.html#Rabi'a
For more on the Qadiri Sufi Order: http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismorders.html#Qadiri

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really wonderful voices and songs, at least the three on their website :)

Ya Haqq!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Place of Singing
[From the French language press]:

L’Ensemble Rabi’a, du nom de la célèbre sainte soufie du 8e siècle Râbi’a al-Adawiyya, est composé de femmes issues d’horizons culturels divers (France, Afrique de l’ouest, Maghreb, Andalousie).

Elles sont toutes disciples d’une voie soufie marocaine, très présente en France, la voie Qadiriya Boudchichiya.

El Kalam - Pau, France - dimanche 9 décembre 2007

The Rabi'a Ensemble, named after the famous Sufi saint of the 8th century Râbi'a al-Adawiyya, is composed of women from different cultural backgrounds (France, West Africa and the Maghreb, Andalusia).

They are all disciples of a Moroccan Sufi path with a strong presence in France, the tariqa Qadiriya Boudchichiya.

An interview with Marie-Hélène Dassa, on the work of this group and, more generally, about the place of singing in this spiritual path.

The Rabi'a Ensemble next concerts:
Concert and panel on Saturday, January 26, 2008 at the Institute of Islamic Culture, Paris, France.
Concert in Montpellier, France, on April 5, 2008 as part of the 1st Mediterranean Festival of the Cultures of Islam.
Concert and workshop in Fez, Morocco, on April 19, 2008 as part of the 2nd Festival of the Sufi Culture.

Visit the Rabi'a Ensemble web site (in French): http://www.ensemblerabia.net/

For more on Rabi'a (the Sufi Saint): http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismearly.html#Rabi'a
For more on the Qadiri Sufi Order: http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismorders.html#Qadiri

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really wonderful voices and songs, at least the three on their website :)

Ya Haqq!