Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rencontres Nationales Sidi Chiker

[From the French language press]:

Les travaux de la première édition des rencontres nationales Sidi Chiker des adeptes du soufisme (19-21 septembre), ont pris fin dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, dans un climat de piété et de dévotion.

Par Toma/MAP, "Clôture des travaux des premières rencontres nationales Sidi Chiker des adeptes du soufisme" - Biladi Maroc - Casablanca, Maroc

dimanche, 21 septembre 2008

The first edition of the National Meetings Sidi Chiker of Followers of Sufism (September 19-21), ended in the night from Saturday to Sunday in an atmosphere of piety and devotion.

Representatives of 44 Brotherhoods from different regions of the Kingdom have participated in these meetings.

Organized by the Ministry of Habous [Land Property] and Islamic Affairs, under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, the National Meetings Sidi Chiker of Followers of Sufism are also a meeting for the spiritual sources and part of the revival of the Sufi heritage and its national and international influence.

[Read the full text of the Message addressed by HM the King (in French) to the Meetings: http://www.lematin.ma/Actualite/Journal/Article.asp?idr=110&id=98534]

[Picture: Mr Ahmed Toufiq, Minister for Habous and Islamic Affairs. Photo: Le Matin http://www.lematin.ma/Actualite/Express/Article.asp?id=98470].

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rencontres Nationales Sidi Chiker
[From the French language press]:

Les travaux de la première édition des rencontres nationales Sidi Chiker des adeptes du soufisme (19-21 septembre), ont pris fin dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, dans un climat de piété et de dévotion.

Par Toma/MAP, "Clôture des travaux des premières rencontres nationales Sidi Chiker des adeptes du soufisme" - Biladi Maroc - Casablanca, Maroc

dimanche, 21 septembre 2008

The first edition of the National Meetings Sidi Chiker of Followers of Sufism (September 19-21), ended in the night from Saturday to Sunday in an atmosphere of piety and devotion.

Representatives of 44 Brotherhoods from different regions of the Kingdom have participated in these meetings.

Organized by the Ministry of Habous [Land Property] and Islamic Affairs, under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, the National Meetings Sidi Chiker of Followers of Sufism are also a meeting for the spiritual sources and part of the revival of the Sufi heritage and its national and international influence.

[Read the full text of the Message addressed by HM the King (in French) to the Meetings: http://www.lematin.ma/Actualite/Journal/Article.asp?idr=110&id=98534]

[Picture: Mr Ahmed Toufiq, Minister for Habous and Islamic Affairs. Photo: Le Matin http://www.lematin.ma/Actualite/Express/Article.asp?id=98470].

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