Friday, February 13, 2009
Islamabad: Renowned religious and spiritual personality and custodian of Golra Sharif shrine, Allama Syed Pir Naseer-ud-Din Naseer Gillani, breathed his last here Friday after cardiac arrest. He was 65.
Naseer was preparing for Friday prayer when he felt severe pain in his chest. He was shifted to hospital and was diagnosed as cardiac arrest but he could not recover and died.
He was a scholar, renowned poet and author of almost 36 books on Islam, Quran and Holy Prophet (PBUH) including Lafz-e-Allah ki Tahqiq, Quran Majid key Aadab-e Tilawat, Mawazna-e Ilm-o-Karamat, Kia Iblees Alim Tha, Pakistan men Zalzala ki Tabah Karian and Musalmano k Arooj-o Zawal k Asbaab.
Mysticism was his field of specialization with regard to research in history and religion.
The late scholar had thousands of followers across the country as well as the world.
Thousands of the devotees and followers of Pir Naseer used to visit Golra shrine for guidance and spirituality, particularly on the annual Urs of Pir Naseer's ancestors.
Pir Naseeruddin Shah was the grandson of Pir Mehar Ali Shah (known as Pir of Golra Sharif). He was the son of late Hazrat Pir Syed Ghulam Muinuddin Gilani known as Elder Lalajee.
The news of Pir Naseer's death proved to be a shocking for the devotees, who started thronging at the shrine.
Loud cries and moans were audible around the Golra Sharif, a town situated in the suburbs of the federal capital.
'Innaa lillaahi wa- 'innaaa 'ilayhi raaji-'uunn
Best wishes for peace profound and everlasting rest for our beloved poet.
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