Friday, February 06, 2009
In Favour of Islam
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Islamabad: Believers in love and peace must stand up against the forces of extremism and terrorism and help project the true image of Islam across the world, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi said here Friday.
He was addressing at an international conference on ‘Hazrat Ghous Bahauddin Zakria’, organised by the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) in collaboration with Archaeological and Historical Association of Pakistan.
The foreign minister said the international community is looking at Pakistan and anything happens here always has far reaching effects at the international level.
“When people living across the world come to know that girls’ schools are blown off in Swat and innocent people killed in the name of Islam, they develop negative perception about Islam and Pakistan,” he said.
Referring to his visit to New Delhi during which Mumbai attacks on November 26 shook the bilateral relations between Pakistan and India, he said Pakistan always stands for peace and co-existence and advocates extreme cordial bilateral relations with all the neighbouring countries.
“I myself belong to the Sufi order and have a high belief in the importance of peace and harmony among the people irrelevant of their race and religion,” he said.
Highlighting the diplomatic efforts to enhance bilateral relations with the Central Asian states, he said given the energy crises it is highly important to look towards those states that are rich in natural resources.
Lauding the role of Sufis in spreading Islam especially in the South Asian region, he said Sufis changed the mindset in favour of Islam that paved the way for promotion of Islamic norms and traditions among the local people.
Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan Vincenzo Prati who is generally credited with efforts that led to announcement of making Multan and Rome as sister cities said Sufis have a multi-dimensional message to people belonging to all races and religions. He said any nation can be proud of its culture and civilization and it is due to strong traditions set by Sufis, Pakistan has deep roots of such a culture that emanates love and devotion to every other nation.
Ambassador of Bangladesh Yasmeen Murshid said nomads of Arabs happened to become masters of old and well established civilizations in the Central and Western Asia. She pointed out that most of the time the Western countries talk about the military conquests of the Muslim warriors but they do not pay attention to role of Sufis who won hearts with the help of their love-based message.
Ambassador of Uzbekistan Oybek A. Usmanov said Khurasan had been the seat of Sufism and those who benefited from the learning from great Sufis played an important role in spreading Islam. “Hazrat Ghous Bahauddin Zakria also visited places from where he acquired knowledge and learnt how to establish peace and harmony among the people for a peaceful and sustained society,” he said.
Ambassador of Azerbaijan Eynullah Madatli said Sufism served as a link between people and rulers and broadened the horizon of Islam. Referring to his visit to Multan he said the role of Sufis can be gauged through the local environment where people still have a great regard for them.
Those who also spoke on the occasion included Dr Samina Yasmeen, Professor Abdul Jabbar Shakir, Dr Hashim Abro, Professor Fateh Muhammad Malik, Professor Dr Riaz Ahmad, Dr Shamim Mehmood Zaidi and Dr Ghazanfar Mehdi.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Islamabad: Believers in love and peace must stand up against the forces of extremism and terrorism and help project the true image of Islam across the world, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi said here Friday.
He was addressing at an international conference on ‘Hazrat Ghous Bahauddin Zakria’, organised by the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) in collaboration with Archaeological and Historical Association of Pakistan.
The foreign minister said the international community is looking at Pakistan and anything happens here always has far reaching effects at the international level.
“When people living across the world come to know that girls’ schools are blown off in Swat and innocent people killed in the name of Islam, they develop negative perception about Islam and Pakistan,” he said.
Referring to his visit to New Delhi during which Mumbai attacks on November 26 shook the bilateral relations between Pakistan and India, he said Pakistan always stands for peace and co-existence and advocates extreme cordial bilateral relations with all the neighbouring countries.
“I myself belong to the Sufi order and have a high belief in the importance of peace and harmony among the people irrelevant of their race and religion,” he said.
Highlighting the diplomatic efforts to enhance bilateral relations with the Central Asian states, he said given the energy crises it is highly important to look towards those states that are rich in natural resources.
Lauding the role of Sufis in spreading Islam especially in the South Asian region, he said Sufis changed the mindset in favour of Islam that paved the way for promotion of Islamic norms and traditions among the local people.
Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan Vincenzo Prati who is generally credited with efforts that led to announcement of making Multan and Rome as sister cities said Sufis have a multi-dimensional message to people belonging to all races and religions. He said any nation can be proud of its culture and civilization and it is due to strong traditions set by Sufis, Pakistan has deep roots of such a culture that emanates love and devotion to every other nation.
Ambassador of Bangladesh Yasmeen Murshid said nomads of Arabs happened to become masters of old and well established civilizations in the Central and Western Asia. She pointed out that most of the time the Western countries talk about the military conquests of the Muslim warriors but they do not pay attention to role of Sufis who won hearts with the help of their love-based message.
Ambassador of Uzbekistan Oybek A. Usmanov said Khurasan had been the seat of Sufism and those who benefited from the learning from great Sufis played an important role in spreading Islam. “Hazrat Ghous Bahauddin Zakria also visited places from where he acquired knowledge and learnt how to establish peace and harmony among the people for a peaceful and sustained society,” he said.
Ambassador of Azerbaijan Eynullah Madatli said Sufism served as a link between people and rulers and broadened the horizon of Islam. Referring to his visit to Multan he said the role of Sufis can be gauged through the local environment where people still have a great regard for them.
Those who also spoke on the occasion included Dr Samina Yasmeen, Professor Abdul Jabbar Shakir, Dr Hashim Abro, Professor Fateh Muhammad Malik, Professor Dr Riaz Ahmad, Dr Shamim Mehmood Zaidi and Dr Ghazanfar Mehdi.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
It's true that islam teaches that it's ok to lie to a kafir before or in part of your plan to conquer or kill him. You all; every citizen of the world NEED to read and understand all that the koran, hadith and the examples of mohammed actually teach. 90% of the teachings in the koran in regards to people who are not muslims is violence against them. There is no islam, koran, hadith or examples of mohammed that in any way allow for any muslim to live beside, work with or even exist alongside non-believers, 'kafirs' without forcing the kafirs to submit 'convert' to islam, pay a tax to exist as a less than human being, or for the muslim to kill the non-believer, 'kafir'. How can anyone logically or intellegently explain why islam; with all it's extreme violent mandates for forcing the submission of the other 90% of the Earth's total population to islam, will, or ever should change it's goals or ideals to get along with those they feel are the offspring of pigs and apes. islam cannot survive without complete submission of the rest of the world's population to their ideology, therefore, islam must end it's existence even if it means irradicating each and every muslim off the face of the Earth. All freedom loving human beings unit and destroy islam before it grows any more.
4:06 PM
1 comment:
It's true that islam teaches that it's ok to lie to a kafir before or in part of your plan to conquer or kill him. You all; every citizen of the world NEED to read and understand all that the koran, hadith and the examples of mohammed actually teach. 90% of the teachings in the koran in regards to people who are not muslims is violence against them. There is no islam, koran, hadith or examples of mohammed that in any way allow for any muslim to live beside, work with or even exist alongside non-believers, 'kafirs' without forcing the kafirs to submit 'convert' to islam, pay a tax to exist as a less than human being, or for the muslim to kill the non-believer, 'kafir'. How can anyone logically or intellegently explain why islam; with all it's extreme violent mandates for forcing the submission of the other 90% of the Earth's total population to islam, will, or ever should change it's goals or ideals to get along with those they feel are the offspring of pigs and apes. islam cannot survive without complete submission of the rest of the world's population to their ideology, therefore, islam must end it's existence even if it means irradicating each and every muslim off the face of the Earth. All freedom loving human beings unit and destroy islam before it grows any more.
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