Living the Teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi
A conference in New York, November 6 & 7th 2009
Co-sponsored by the New York Open Center* and the Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi Society**
With world-renowned scholars on Ibn ’Arabi, including William Chittick, James Morris, Mohamad Haj Yousef, Stephen Hirtenstein, Sachiko Murata and Pablo Beneito.
With musical performances and poetry readings.
Ibn ’Arabi, one of the world’s great spiritual figures, represents, along with Rumi, the pinnacle of Sufism. His writings interweave faith and compassion and are deeply relevant today as a counter to the religious intolerance and the conflicts that stir up our world.
This conference will examine the heart of Ibn ’Arabi’s teachings about what it means to be truly human, and in the process seek to deepen understanding of Islam here in the West in the light of one of its most profound, original and universally relevant thinkers.
Further details forthcoming.
For groups interested in attending, whether from a university or other organizations, please call 212-219-2527 ext 140.
*New York Open Center http://www.opencenter.org/
**Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi Society http://www.ibnarabisociety.org/
Picture: Alcazabar, Malaga, Spain. From PATTERN IN ISLAMIC ART http://www.patterninislamicart.com/
1 comment:
As far as Muhyiddin Ibn Al Arabi is concerned, it's certainly not easy to understand his thoughts. In order to appreciate his work, we need scholars to tell us in everyday language about his work and thoughts. Holding seminars, conferences, etc., might be alright for the elites and the scholastic minds and researchers. Is there a single book on him in English that would lay ibn Arabi bare for the masses? Having read the translations of just Bezels of Wisdom I felt it was not easy to guage the sublime thoughts of the Shaikh al-Akbar.
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