Monday, May 24, 2010
“Human Dignity and the 21st Century”
Coleman Barks will read Rumi’s poetry with music by Talia Toni Marcus and her soaring violin, at the opening of the 2010 Sufism Symposium, at 7:00 pm, Friday, June 25, at Angelico Hall, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, CA. Tickets are $25 by mail before June 15 or $30 at the door.
The Symposium, “Human Dignity and the 21st Century,” continues on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, at Embassy Suites Hotel, San Rafael, CA.
The Annual Symposium will include members of IAS as well as many delegates from other Sufi Orders and countries.
Scheduled to appear:
Nahid Angha, Ph.D.
is Co-Director of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of the International Sufi Women Organization, the main representative of the IAS to the United Nations (NGO/DPI), and inductee to the Marin Women's Hall of Fame. Her works for global peace earned the IAS the "Messenger of Manifesto 2000" recognition by the UNESCO. Her lectures include:"Human Rights, Responsibility and Spirituality, "Humanitarian Intervention: A Way towards Global Peace, U N; Women in Islam, Cape Town; Sufism: Literature and Poetry, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C.; Sufism, Universal Forum of Cultures: Spain 2004, Mexico 2007.
Sheikha Ayshegul Ashki al-Jerrahi, MA, HHP
is a Sufi teacher within Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Community, directed and guided by Sheikha Fariha al-Jerrahi. She currently resides and offers the teachings and practices of her Sufi Path in Tustin, California. While these teachings and practices are deeply rooted in Islamic Sufism, she universalizes them on the shared core principles of human mystic experience. She leads Retreats, presents in Conferences, participates in Interfaith and Trans-traditional Councils, and Community Service Groups. She holds a BA in Education, and an MA in Science of Creative Intelligence. Ashki is from Turkey, married and has three children.
Shahid Athar, MD, FACP, FACE
is a Clinical Associate Professor and an Endocrinologist in private practice in Indianapolis.
Arthur F. Buehler, Ph.D.
is a Senior Lecturer at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand specializing in Sufism and Contemplative Practice.
Nevit Ergin, MD
a surgeon who has practiced medicine since 1955, has been a student of Sufism and the poetry of Rumi for close to fifty years. His life's work has been the translation of all 44,000 verses of Rumi's writings: the Divan-i Kebir, a process that has unfolded over a 25-year period. Recently a limited edition replica was made from the original Divans located in the Konya Museum. The replica is exhibited by the Society for Understanding Mevlana, founded by Dr. Ergin and his friends in 1992, a non-profit organization dedicated to the continued study of Rumi and his works.
Mary Ann D. Fadae, Ph.D.
is a member of the Jerrahi Order of America, whose spiritual center is in Istanbul, Turkey. She has taught courses in the history of Western Civilization, Arabic language, and the religion of Islam at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Sheikha Azima Lila Forest
is a teacher with the Sufi Ruhaniat International, and a Unitarian Universalist minister.
Sonia Leon Gilbert
has been a president of the M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship and Mosque for thirty-seven years. The wisdom and teachings of this great Sufi Sheik are gratefully reflected in Sonia's many speeches and written works, as well as enthusiastic engagements in interfaith dialogues. Topic: HEART'S WORK.
Nafisa Haji
is the author of the novel *The Writing On My Forehead* and is currently working on her second novel. She earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCLA, focusing her research on caring, long-term relationships between teachers and students.
Kabir Helminski
is a Shaykh of the Mevlevi Order which traces back to Jalaluddin Rumi. His books on spirituality, Living Presence and The Knowing Heart, have been published in at least eight languages. He has translated the works of Rumi and others, and has toured as Shaykh with the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey bringing Sufi culture to more than 100,000 people. Kabir is also Co-Director, with his wife Camille, of The Threshold Society (Sufism.org), which seeks to apply the wisdom of the Sufi tradition to contemporary needs. He is a core faculty member of the Spiritual Paths Institute (spiritualpaths.net), and lives near Santa Cruz, California.
Arife Ellen Hammerle, Ph.D., MA, LMFT, JD
a student of the Uwaiysi School of Sufism, as guided by Sufi Teachers Dr. Nahid Angha and Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali. Kianfar, is a member of the International Association of Sufism, the Sufism Psychology Forum, and a Board member of the Institute for Sufi Studies.
Ibrahim Jaffe, MD
is the President Emeritus and the spiritual director of the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism. Dr. Jaffe is the Muqqadam Murrabi Ruhi ar-Ra'is (head Muqqadam) of the Shadhiliyya Sufi Center in the West under Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa`i as- Shadhili from Jerusalem.
Pir Shabda Kahn
a direct disciple of the American Sufi Master, Murshid Samuel Lewis, has been practicing Sufism since 1969 and is the Pir (Spiritual Director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, the lineage tracing from Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis.
Tamam Kahn
is a senior teacher in The Sufi Ruhaniat International. Her book *Untold: A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad* has just been published. She is editor-in-chief of "The Sound Journal," an online journal serving the Sufi Ruhaniat Community. She is married to Pir Shabda Kahn.
David Katz, MD
born in Wisconsin and graduated in philosophy from Stanford University, is married to Anne Katz, who has also been a student of Sheikh Bawa Muhaiyaddeen since 1976. Dr. Katz is the president of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, California Branch, and practices as a family physician in Sacramento, California, guided by the healing teachings offered by Sheikh Bawa.
Shah Nazar Seyyed Ali Kianfar, Ph.D.
is the co-director, co-founder of the International Association of Sufism, and Editor-in-Chief of Sufism: An Inquiry. An internationally published author and lecturer, he was appointed to teach Sufism by his Sufi Master of the Uwaiysi Tariquat, Hazrat Moulana Shah Maghsoud. Dr. Kianfar has taught Sufism and Islamic philosophy throughout the world for over 30 years, with thousands of students around the globe. He represented the USA at the UNESCO Culture of Peace Conference in Uzbekistan and the IAS for a cooperative educational program with Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Dr. Kianfar's new books: *Seasons of the Soul* and *Fatema* (Farsi) have been well received and his Zikr has been published numerous times.
Emanuel L. Levin (Musa Muhaiyaddeen)
is a direct disciple of the Sufi mystic and teacher Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. He has traveled throughout Europe, Turkey and North America, speaking on the teachings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and Sufism. He is the author of *On the Road to Infinity*.
Safa Ali Michael Newman, JD
is President of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Sufism and Chairperson of the Association's Executive Committee of the Institute for Sufi Studies.
Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.
is a Licensed Psychologist, member of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, the International Association of Sufism's Sufi Women's Organization, and an ordained Sufi Minister of Universal Worship.
Alhaj Shah Sufi Syed Mainuddin Ahmed
the president of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, in Bangladesh, has built an orphanage, Madrasa, free clinic and an Islamic complex at Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Shahzada-e-Gausul Azam Shah Sufi Alhaj Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasni Wal Hussaini Maizbhandari
is the only son of Baba Mainuddin Ahmed Al-Hasani Wal-Hussain. He has participated in countless international seminars and symposiums.
Professor Arthur Kane Scott
teaches humanities/social cultural studies at Dominican University of California. His specialty is Islamic Studies, where he has taken the lead in bringing the truth of Islam both to the campus as well as to the greater Bay Area as lecturer/scholar through authoring an on-line course, History of Islam/Middle East, for University of California Berkeley Extension. He has established at Dominican the Islamic Institute for elementary/secondary school teachers, is a practicing Sufi and has written many articles on Sufism in Sufism: An Inquiry.
Bahman A.K. Shirazi, Ph.D
is a faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco and The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) in Palo Alto, California. Bahman teaches in the areas of integral yoga and psychology, Sufi Psychology, and transpersonal psychology. His publications include book chapters and articles in the areas of integral psychology and Sufi psychology.
“Human Dignity and the 21st Century”
Coleman Barks will read Rumi’s poetry with music by Talia Toni Marcus and her soaring violin, at the opening of the 2010 Sufism Symposium, at 7:00 pm, Friday, June 25, at Angelico Hall, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, CA. Tickets are $25 by mail before June 15 or $30 at the door.
The Symposium, “Human Dignity and the 21st Century,” continues on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, at Embassy Suites Hotel, San Rafael, CA.
The Annual Symposium will include members of IAS as well as many delegates from other Sufi Orders and countries.
Scheduled to appear:
Nahid Angha, Ph.D.
is Co-Director of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of the International Sufi Women Organization, the main representative of the IAS to the United Nations (NGO/DPI), and inductee to the Marin Women's Hall of Fame. Her works for global peace earned the IAS the "Messenger of Manifesto 2000" recognition by the UNESCO. Her lectures include:"Human Rights, Responsibility and Spirituality, "Humanitarian Intervention: A Way towards Global Peace, U N; Women in Islam, Cape Town; Sufism: Literature and Poetry, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C.; Sufism, Universal Forum of Cultures: Spain 2004, Mexico 2007.
Sheikha Ayshegul Ashki al-Jerrahi, MA, HHP
is a Sufi teacher within Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Community, directed and guided by Sheikha Fariha al-Jerrahi. She currently resides and offers the teachings and practices of her Sufi Path in Tustin, California. While these teachings and practices are deeply rooted in Islamic Sufism, she universalizes them on the shared core principles of human mystic experience. She leads Retreats, presents in Conferences, participates in Interfaith and Trans-traditional Councils, and Community Service Groups. She holds a BA in Education, and an MA in Science of Creative Intelligence. Ashki is from Turkey, married and has three children.
Shahid Athar, MD, FACP, FACE
is a Clinical Associate Professor and an Endocrinologist in private practice in Indianapolis.
Arthur F. Buehler, Ph.D.
is a Senior Lecturer at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand specializing in Sufism and Contemplative Practice.
Nevit Ergin, MD
a surgeon who has practiced medicine since 1955, has been a student of Sufism and the poetry of Rumi for close to fifty years. His life's work has been the translation of all 44,000 verses of Rumi's writings: the Divan-i Kebir, a process that has unfolded over a 25-year period. Recently a limited edition replica was made from the original Divans located in the Konya Museum. The replica is exhibited by the Society for Understanding Mevlana, founded by Dr. Ergin and his friends in 1992, a non-profit organization dedicated to the continued study of Rumi and his works.
Mary Ann D. Fadae, Ph.D.
is a member of the Jerrahi Order of America, whose spiritual center is in Istanbul, Turkey. She has taught courses in the history of Western Civilization, Arabic language, and the religion of Islam at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Sheikha Azima Lila Forest
is a teacher with the Sufi Ruhaniat International, and a Unitarian Universalist minister.
Sonia Leon Gilbert
has been a president of the M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship and Mosque for thirty-seven years. The wisdom and teachings of this great Sufi Sheik are gratefully reflected in Sonia's many speeches and written works, as well as enthusiastic engagements in interfaith dialogues. Topic: HEART'S WORK.
Nafisa Haji
is the author of the novel *The Writing On My Forehead* and is currently working on her second novel. She earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCLA, focusing her research on caring, long-term relationships between teachers and students.
Kabir Helminski
is a Shaykh of the Mevlevi Order which traces back to Jalaluddin Rumi. His books on spirituality, Living Presence and The Knowing Heart, have been published in at least eight languages. He has translated the works of Rumi and others, and has toured as Shaykh with the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey bringing Sufi culture to more than 100,000 people. Kabir is also Co-Director, with his wife Camille, of The Threshold Society (Sufism.org), which seeks to apply the wisdom of the Sufi tradition to contemporary needs. He is a core faculty member of the Spiritual Paths Institute (spiritualpaths.net), and lives near Santa Cruz, California.
Arife Ellen Hammerle, Ph.D., MA, LMFT, JD
a student of the Uwaiysi School of Sufism, as guided by Sufi Teachers Dr. Nahid Angha and Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali. Kianfar, is a member of the International Association of Sufism, the Sufism Psychology Forum, and a Board member of the Institute for Sufi Studies.
Ibrahim Jaffe, MD
is the President Emeritus and the spiritual director of the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism. Dr. Jaffe is the Muqqadam Murrabi Ruhi ar-Ra'is (head Muqqadam) of the Shadhiliyya Sufi Center in the West under Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa`i as- Shadhili from Jerusalem.
Pir Shabda Kahn
a direct disciple of the American Sufi Master, Murshid Samuel Lewis, has been practicing Sufism since 1969 and is the Pir (Spiritual Director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, the lineage tracing from Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis.
Tamam Kahn
is a senior teacher in The Sufi Ruhaniat International. Her book *Untold: A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad* has just been published. She is editor-in-chief of "The Sound Journal," an online journal serving the Sufi Ruhaniat Community. She is married to Pir Shabda Kahn.
David Katz, MD
born in Wisconsin and graduated in philosophy from Stanford University, is married to Anne Katz, who has also been a student of Sheikh Bawa Muhaiyaddeen since 1976. Dr. Katz is the president of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, California Branch, and practices as a family physician in Sacramento, California, guided by the healing teachings offered by Sheikh Bawa.
Shah Nazar Seyyed Ali Kianfar, Ph.D.
is the co-director, co-founder of the International Association of Sufism, and Editor-in-Chief of Sufism: An Inquiry. An internationally published author and lecturer, he was appointed to teach Sufism by his Sufi Master of the Uwaiysi Tariquat, Hazrat Moulana Shah Maghsoud. Dr. Kianfar has taught Sufism and Islamic philosophy throughout the world for over 30 years, with thousands of students around the globe. He represented the USA at the UNESCO Culture of Peace Conference in Uzbekistan and the IAS for a cooperative educational program with Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Dr. Kianfar's new books: *Seasons of the Soul* and *Fatema* (Farsi) have been well received and his Zikr has been published numerous times.
Emanuel L. Levin (Musa Muhaiyaddeen)
is a direct disciple of the Sufi mystic and teacher Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. He has traveled throughout Europe, Turkey and North America, speaking on the teachings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and Sufism. He is the author of *On the Road to Infinity*.
Safa Ali Michael Newman, JD
is President of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Sufism and Chairperson of the Association's Executive Committee of the Institute for Sufi Studies.
Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.
is a Licensed Psychologist, member of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, the International Association of Sufism's Sufi Women's Organization, and an ordained Sufi Minister of Universal Worship.
Alhaj Shah Sufi Syed Mainuddin Ahmed
the president of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, in Bangladesh, has built an orphanage, Madrasa, free clinic and an Islamic complex at Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Shahzada-e-Gausul Azam Shah Sufi Alhaj Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasni Wal Hussaini Maizbhandari
is the only son of Baba Mainuddin Ahmed Al-Hasani Wal-Hussain. He has participated in countless international seminars and symposiums.
Professor Arthur Kane Scott
teaches humanities/social cultural studies at Dominican University of California. His specialty is Islamic Studies, where he has taken the lead in bringing the truth of Islam both to the campus as well as to the greater Bay Area as lecturer/scholar through authoring an on-line course, History of Islam/Middle East, for University of California Berkeley Extension. He has established at Dominican the Islamic Institute for elementary/secondary school teachers, is a practicing Sufi and has written many articles on Sufism in Sufism: An Inquiry.
Bahman A.K. Shirazi, Ph.D
is a faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco and The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) in Palo Alto, California. Bahman teaches in the areas of integral yoga and psychology, Sufi Psychology, and transpersonal psychology. His publications include book chapters and articles in the areas of integral psychology and Sufi psychology.
Music Performances by:
Taneen Sufi Music Ensemble
sings the love poetry of the great Sufi masters in English translation, making the profound message of unity accessible to all audiences. Since in 1996 these Sufi practioners have shared their meditation-inspired music locally and internationally, in such peace-building venues as the Nobel Peace Institute and Parliament of World’s Religions.
Radio Istanbul
is a Bay Area ensemble that provides live Turkish music played on traditional instruments. Established and directed by Haluk Kecelioglu, Radio Istanbul plays an exciting mix of acoustic music ranging from elegant classical Ottoman suites to lively dance pieces from various regions of Turkey. The ensemble features Haluk Kecelioglu on Ud and vocals, Ahmet Cagin on Kanun and vocals, Mary Farris on Ney and Clarinet and Faisal Zedan on percussion.
Psychology Panel
(Can be registered for separately):
Taneen Sufi Music Ensemble
sings the love poetry of the great Sufi masters in English translation, making the profound message of unity accessible to all audiences. Since in 1996 these Sufi practioners have shared their meditation-inspired music locally and internationally, in such peace-building venues as the Nobel Peace Institute and Parliament of World’s Religions.
Radio Istanbul
is a Bay Area ensemble that provides live Turkish music played on traditional instruments. Established and directed by Haluk Kecelioglu, Radio Istanbul plays an exciting mix of acoustic music ranging from elegant classical Ottoman suites to lively dance pieces from various regions of Turkey. The ensemble features Haluk Kecelioglu on Ud and vocals, Ahmet Cagin on Kanun and vocals, Mary Farris on Ney and Clarinet and Faisal Zedan on percussion.
Psychology Panel
(Can be registered for separately):
Saturday, June 26, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Embassy Suites Hotel, San Rafael, CA
The Dignity of Being Human
2 CEUs Available
Moderated by Amineh Amelia Pryor, Ph.D.
a psychotherapist at the Community Healing Centers, a non-profit psychotherapy practice with offices in San Francisco and Marin. Dr. Pryor is a student of Uwaiysi Sufism and an active member of the International Association of Sufism. She presents at local and international conferences and is the author of Psychology in Sufism and Sufi Grace.
Mary Toth Granick, M. Ed., LMFT
is a licensed psychotherapist in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she works with adults, couples, and adolescents and their families. She also has extensive experience and a background in school-based counseling services in various settings in the Bay Area. She is a student of Uwaiysi Sufism and a member of the International Association of Sufism. Ms. Toth Granick has contributed articles in the SPF Newsletter and the journal, Sufism: An Inquiry. She has also presented her work with Sufism and Psychology at various retreats and workshops in the Bay Area.
Michelle Ritterman, Ph.D.
pioneered the integration of hypnosis and family therapy, and has trained thousands of therapists in her approach to working with couple and families. A student of Milton Erickson, she originated the concept of the symptom as a trance state - shared and separate track trances - in family and couple interactions, and also the development of therapeutic counterinductions. See is a prolific author whose work includes the books Using Hypnosis in Family Therapy, Hope Under Siege, The Tao of a Woman, and a CD entitled Shared Couple's Trance. She can be contacted through her website: http://www.micheleritterman.com/
Robert H. Walters Ph.D.
is a Clinical Psychologist and has been in private practice in Menlo Park, CA. since 1990. In addition to working with individuals in psychotherapy he has been training and supervising interns at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology since 1995. He also does training for interns at Christian Counseling Center in Fremont CA. His primary professional and personal interest is in attempting to integrate psychological and spiritual dimensions of experience. To his surprise and delight, he continues to find some of the finest articulations of deep spiritual sensibilities embedded in contemporary psychoanalytic literature and some of the most useful prescriptions for psychological hardiness within inspired texts from a variety of spiritual traditions.
Embassy Suites Hotel, San Rafael, CA
The Dignity of Being Human
2 CEUs Available
Moderated by Amineh Amelia Pryor, Ph.D.
a psychotherapist at the Community Healing Centers, a non-profit psychotherapy practice with offices in San Francisco and Marin. Dr. Pryor is a student of Uwaiysi Sufism and an active member of the International Association of Sufism. She presents at local and international conferences and is the author of Psychology in Sufism and Sufi Grace.
Mary Toth Granick, M. Ed., LMFT
is a licensed psychotherapist in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she works with adults, couples, and adolescents and their families. She also has extensive experience and a background in school-based counseling services in various settings in the Bay Area. She is a student of Uwaiysi Sufism and a member of the International Association of Sufism. Ms. Toth Granick has contributed articles in the SPF Newsletter and the journal, Sufism: An Inquiry. She has also presented her work with Sufism and Psychology at various retreats and workshops in the Bay Area.
Michelle Ritterman, Ph.D.
pioneered the integration of hypnosis and family therapy, and has trained thousands of therapists in her approach to working with couple and families. A student of Milton Erickson, she originated the concept of the symptom as a trance state - shared and separate track trances - in family and couple interactions, and also the development of therapeutic counterinductions. See is a prolific author whose work includes the books Using Hypnosis in Family Therapy, Hope Under Siege, The Tao of a Woman, and a CD entitled Shared Couple's Trance. She can be contacted through her website: http://www.micheleritterman.com/
Robert H. Walters Ph.D.
is a Clinical Psychologist and has been in private practice in Menlo Park, CA. since 1990. In addition to working with individuals in psychotherapy he has been training and supervising interns at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology since 1995. He also does training for interns at Christian Counseling Center in Fremont CA. His primary professional and personal interest is in attempting to integrate psychological and spiritual dimensions of experience. To his surprise and delight, he continues to find some of the finest articulations of deep spiritual sensibilities embedded in contemporary psychoanalytic literature and some of the most useful prescriptions for psychological hardiness within inspired texts from a variety of spiritual traditions.
The Symposium is sponsored by the International Association of Sufism, headquartered in Novato. Tickets are $175 for all 3 days before June 15 or $200 at the door; Students and seniors, $150. Tickets for individual days are also available. All events are open to the public and wheelchair accessible. For information and tickets, call (415) 382-7834 or go to http://www.sufismsymposium.org/
14 Commercial Blvd. #101, Novato, CA 94949
(415) 382-7834 * http://www.ias.org/
1 comment:
Thanks for the post.
Tickets are also available online.
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