Le Sama dans le soufisme se réfère à l'audition spirituelle. Le Sama est pratiqué lors des soirées des confréries soufies, selon les cas, accompagné ou non d'instruments musicaux.
Al Bayane - Casablanca, Maroc - Vendredi, Février 9, 2007
Sama in Sufism refers to spiritual hearing. Sama is practised at the time of the evening's meetings of the Sufis brotherhoods, according to the cases, accompanied or not by musical instruments.
Ethnomusicologist Jean During, in his book on mystical hearing, says: “First musical Sama is ascribed to the Angels who managed by this stratagem to capture the ecstatic soul of Adam and to lock it up in the body. The inversion of this myth is that the music can also make it possible for the soul of the mystic to escape from the body and to free itself from the contingencies of time and space".
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