La première édition du Festival mondial des rencontres et des musiques soufies s'est ouverte mardi à Marrakech, avec au levée du rideau l'inauguration dans les mythiques Jardins de la Menara d'une exposition de vieux manuscrits.
Le Matin, Maroc - jeudi 4 avril 2007 - par MAP
The first edition of the World Festival of Sufi Meetings and Sufi Musics opened on Tuesday in Marrakesh with, at the lifting of the curtain, the inauguration of an exhibition in the mythical Gardens of Menara.
After a visit with this exhibition, which displays sufi books and manuscripts of priceless value (as the Holy Qur'an handwritten by Sultan Abou Al Hassan Al Marini) the whole of the public was invited to a ceremony of samaâ interpreted by the Great Moroccan Unit directed by Mohamed Azzedine.
The festival will continue until Sunday the 6th of May and will include a ceremony to pay homage to Shaykh Abdellatif Benmansour, a central figure of moroccan samaâ and an initiated of the Zouiya of Tamsloht.
[picture: Marrakesh, the "Pearl of the South". From the site http://www.visitmorocco.org/]
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