Le cycle de conférences sur le soufisme et le développement humain organisé du 28 avril au 2 mai par la société "Par-Chemins Concept" dans le cadre du festival de Fès de la culture soufie s'est achevé, mercredi, par un grand débat sur "le soufisme et histoire du Maroc".
Menara, Maroc - jeudi 3 mai 2007 - par MAP
The cycle of conferences on Sufism and human development organized from April the 28th to May th 2nd by the company “Parchments Concept” within the framework of the Fez festival of Sufi culture was completed, on Wednesday, by a great debate on “Sufism and the history of Morocco”.
“While estimating that spirituality is an education which starts with oneself”, the lecturers determined the place which occupies the Sufism in the world and stressed that it “would be in the heart of Islam”.
They pointed at the revival of Sufism from years 70-80 in the Arab world and in particular in Turkey and Indonesia, noting that in Egypt a Moslem out of six is attached to a Brotherhood whereas in Senegal, some 90 PC follow a tariqa.
For other speakers, Sufism was defined as a kind of individual regulator between what is dogmatic and what is fundamental.
It was also indicated that “Sufism is very well perceived in the Western world because it is against every image of radical Islamism”. “Sufism fits well into modernity, thus easily into a laic space, and that is very important for the Western world ".
It was also said that “Sufism is a body of human values as humility, generosity, tolerance and the acceptance of the other. It is thus only the real interpretation of Islam”.
As for the history of Morocco and its relationship to Sufism, the speakers noted that this relationship is well anchored and articulated around great names like that of Moulay Idriss, founder of the town of Fez.
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