“La carovana dell’amore, la saggezza dei Sufi, musica e racconti" sarà realmente una opportunità per dedicarsi, almeno per una sera, alla conoscenza dell'altro e di noi.
Infoportale Giovani Firenze - Firenze, Italy - 24 maggio 2007
“The caravan of love, the wisdom of the Sufis, music and tales” will be a real opportunity to dedicate oneself, at least for one evening, to the acquaintance of the other and of us.
Tonight, May 25, 9.15 pm, third appointment of a series of three, “Islam in casa” (Islam at home) is organized in order to approach the East and the West, in collaboration with the township of Fucecchio (Florence) and various Interfaith Groups.
Some elements of the Sufi tradition are music and the tales, which act on various levels. Music has a deep and positive effect on the spirit. The Sufi tales are, instead, anecdotes and episodes, much simple and often apparently conflicting.
Fucecchio (Firenze), Sala del Poggio-Poggio Salamartano (beside the famous church Chiesa Della Collegiata di S. Giovanni il Battista) Friday, May 25, 9.15 pm
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