Thursday, June 19, 2008
Just about nine months ago, A Forbidden Journey was only an idea on life-support by those who truly believed in bringing this cultural event into manifestation.
With all the political tensions between Iran and the U.S., bringing eight men to America for the first time was the most unpromising thing one could ever do.
Having a small window of hope, we stepped into the journey and we are pleased to say that we have succeeded thus far.
We had one goal, which was and still is to revitalize Persian music and poetry, and bring it before the audience across the globe.
Homay and The Mastan Group are the children of Cyrus the Great, Rumi, Hafez and Khayyam, believing in love, the one and only truth. In their own words they reveal the true essence of Persian, Iranian or Parsi culture, the characteristic that has become an endangered species around the world.
As Iranians living in Los Angeles, we are compelled to save our identity to go extinct, regardless of our geographical location. Therefore, we found this unique opportunity to do our part and be part of a unique group of people to help these vibrant artists to come to Los Angeles and deliver their message. Let's see what the younger generations of Iranian poets and musicians have to say.
Please join us on July 3rd, at the magnificent Walt Disney Concert Hall, at 7:30 PM sharp.
SoCiArts Team
http://www.sociarts.com/ 310-310-1746
Listen to their music at:
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