Le premier festival national des confréries de "Dalail Al Khayrat" se tiendra du 7 au 9 septembre prochain à Marrakech, à l'initiative de la Confrérie Jazoulite des adeptes de "Dalail Alkhayrat".
Marrakech News - mercredi 29 Aôut 2007 - par MAP
The first national festival of the brotherhoods of “Dalail Al Khayrat” will be held from 7 to 9th next September in Marrakech, on the initiative of the Jazoulite Brotherhood of the followers of “Dalail Alkhayrat”.
Within the program: a conference on the development of the training and the reading of “Dalail El Khayrat Wa Chawarek Al Anwar”, the collection of prayers of Mohammed Ben Slimane El Jazouli, one of the seven saints of the ochre city.
The participants will be also invited to collective readings of the Holy Qur'an and to Sufi singing in historic sites, gardens, old mausoleums and riads [traditional moroccan houses] of the town of Marrakech.
This Sufi event will be marked by a great religious evening in El Badia Palace to pay a vibrating homage to several personalities.
[Picture: Al Imam Al Jazouli's shrine in Marrakesh, Morocco].
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