Organisé par le Centre national de recherches préhistoriques, anthropologiques et historiques (CNRPAH), le colloque international sur "Soufisme, Culture, Musique" dans sa quatrième édition a bouclé ses travaux hier à la salle de conférences du ministère de l’Energie et des Mines à Alger.
El Watan, Algeria - mercredi 12 septembre 2007 - par Amnay Idir
Organized by the National Center for Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research (CNRPAH), the international conference on "Sufism, Culture, Music” in its fourth edition closed its works yesterday in the room of conferences of the ministry for Energy and the Mines in Algiers.
Several researchers from Turkey, France and Lebanon, inter alia, intervened during this three days meeting on the spirit of Sufism in its historical, cultural and spiritual dimensions.
Among the topics:
the comparison of various Sufi interpretations of the Quranic episode of Musa meeting the magicians of Pharaoh by Prof. Jean-Jacques Thibon of the university Blaise Pascal -France in his paper “The stick of Moses: a metaphor of the initiatory route”;
and the meaning of the Arab term "tariqa" as “the way for the routes towards God, the spiritual method on the way and the Sufi Order as an organized and institutionalized group” by Prof. Masatoshi Kisaichi -Japan.
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